Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence

Business intelligence is a set of activities aimed at acquiring accurate information about the operations of a company, organization, or individuals. It involves the acquisition and analysis of information that can be obtained from various different sources. The key information that can be obtained through conducting business intelligence includes, among others Data on the personnel, financial, legal, and economic situation of a given company. Business intelligence is typically commissioned to verify the credibility of a business partner, plan further legal actions, or determine the location of assets.

Business intelligence is a fully legal activity conducted in accordance with ethical principles and legal regulations. Business intelligence utilizes publicly available sources of information and advanced technologies to conduct the investigation. The ability to selectively gather key data is crucial, and it can only be ensured by experienced specialists.

The services provided by the Law Firm include, among others:

  • verification of companies, individuals, and business partners,
  • asset investigations and reports,
  • business information,
  • analysis of business networks and connections,
  • competitive analysis,
  • identification of hidden flaws in investment objects,
  • actions, procedures, and products of competitors,
  • due diligence analysis,
  • detailed reports on a specific subject,
  • market information and analysis.

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